How a MRI works and how a compass works

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
How a Magnetic Imaging Resonator Works <Tab/>If you have ever seen an MRI machine, you know that the basic design used in most is a giant cube. The cube in a typical system is usually 7 feet tall by 7 feet wide by 10 feet long , although new models are getting smaller. There is a horizontal tube running through the magnet from front to back. This tube is known as the bore of …

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…end of the compass to point toward the North Pole, you have to assume that the buried bar magnet has its south end at the North Pole. If you think of the world this way, then you can see that the normal opposites attract rule of magnets would cause the north end of the compass needle to point toward the south end of the buried bar magnet. So the compass points toward the North Pole.