How Would a Multicultural Workforce Affect Teamwork?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Astronomy
In the ever-changing field of communications, telecommunication companies have decided to expand its market to many cultures. Some of the business is global and involve many people from all lifestyles. This change presents a need to research the traditions, laws, restrictions, languages, and time differences. Many forms of communication must be utilized to ensure teamwork and daily operation of the business. Involving other cultures in the business will increase revenue and save money on the …

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…physical ability, race, and sexual orientation of each team member. Reference: Hollis, E. (2005, May). Working Together: Collaboration in the Enterprise. CERTIFICATION MAGAZINE, Vol. 7(Issue 5), p.40-40. Retrieved June 2, 2006. Retrieved June 2, 2006. Cramton, C. (1998, Nov). Working across distance