How The Great Sphinx was created, where and when it was made and the different theories about how the nose fell off. (sentances are mixed)

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
The Great Sphinx Situated about six miles West of Cairo lies The Great Sphinx at Giza; the oldest monumental stone sculpture in the world. At its highest point of 21 meters and length of 74 meters, not even Mt Rushmore (at a mere 18m) can compete. The mouth, with its enigmatic smile, caused by erosion and ancient vandalism rather than design, is 2.3 meters across. The nose is 1.7 meters on an immense face at 4.2 meters in breadth. The …

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…People think that the underground chambers were used to hide the materials used to construct the Pyramids. Today, the Sphinx is important for tourist attraction. Egypt itself is riddled with poverty so without the Sphinx and The Pyramids, they would probably have more shortages than they can afford. There is no definite reason for why the Sphinx was created, but its one of the most notorious and baffling mysteries that may never be solved...ever.