How Speech Recognition Works.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Speech Recognition Introduction How does a computer convert speech into data that it can then manipulate or execute? Initially, when we speak, a microphone converts the analogue signal of our voice into digital chunks of data that the computer must analyze. It is from this data that the computer must extract enough information to confidently guess the word being spoken. This is not exactly an easy task for a computer. In fact, in the early 1990…

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…uses as a base for the rest of the sentence. Yet, if the phrases where these sentences: James's school drives monkey feet James is cool because he plays the guitar It would switch over to the second sentence, because the first sentence quickly turned meaningless, while the second was both semantically and syntactically correct. This sort of "understanding" is imperative for a speech recognition engine, and especially one that has to deal with continuous speech.