How Ritalin can help.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Just take one moment and imagine what it would be like for you not to have control over your brain. It's hard, isn't it? But for many people this is a daily obstacle. It is exactly what is happening to the brains of millions of Americans who are more frequently being labeled as having Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Thoughts scattering from one place to another, not listening to what other people say, not following through …

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…Disorder. Eric Digest #462. 1989. 24 June 2003. Child Health Alert Inc. Proquest. Do Stimulants of ADHD lead to abuse later on? February 2003. Newton Heights. 24 June 2003. Jardin, Robert. Proquest. Does Ritalin really add up? April 1999. National Education Association. 24 June 2003.. Viadero, Deborah. Proquest. Study points to academic benefits for adolescents taking Ritalin. 6 June 2001. Education Week. 25 June 2003. Whaley, Monte. Proquest. Moving beyond drugs to fix attention woes Ritalin, ADD answers too easily for some area doctors, patients. 18 November 2001. Denver Post. 24 June 2003.