How Do Certain Newspapers Create Negative Opinions and Generate Blame towards Asylum Seekers?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
I have decided to look at the way in which asylum seekers are represented in newspaper articles from publications including The Guardian, The Daily Express, The Daily Mail and The Sun. I am interested in this area because of the sheer volume of articles relating to asylum seekers and immigration in today's press, and the way in which negative opinions can, in most cases, arise from these. I hope to prove that certain publications (for …

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…made to immigrants from the different varieties of newspaper, we can see how propaganda is starting to set in through these publications. The ideologies of the newspapers are promoted through ideas of freedom, and by creating false needs, and through influential reporting styles; this is how the newspapers are project their viewpoints upon the reader, although it seems that it is now it is more of a challenge for readers to accept, and acknowledge them.