Holocaust in general. 2 pages of facts and the controversy that surrounds it.

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Essay Database > History > European History
The Holocaust The Holocaust, which took place during World War II, was the state-sponsored killing of six million Jews, half of those being children and teenagers, by the Nazi regime. If you had a distantly related Jewish family member, you were considered a Jew, and therefore you must be killed. Before beginning the war in 1939, the Nazis established concentration camps to imprison Jews, other victims of ethnic and racial hatred, and political opponents of Nazism. …

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…always intrigued me. Now I got the chance to get a more in depth look at it. It makes me sad to know that it happened, but I'm glad that everyone has the chance to learn about it, to imagine and feel for those people who went through it. Bibliography United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. http://www.ushmm.org/ The Holocaust History Project. http://www.holocaust-history.org/ The Holocaust Memorial Center. http://www.holocaustcenter.org/