History of peer-to-peer file sharing. Technology to prevent it, and the future of it.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
Peer-To-Peer File Sharing The rise and fall of Napster in the late 90's brought file sharing over the Internet, and peer-to-peer technology, to the attention of the world. Napster's demise led to the creation of companies such as KaZaA, Morpheus, and Audio Galaxy, whom all learned a valuable lesson from Napster. Avoid copyright infringement and elude record companies. So far they have been pretty successful, but record companies are getting closer and closer to putting …

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…select users would be sent via peer-to-peer, as opposed to packet switching. Peer-to-peer file sharing is still trying to find its place in the world of business, and probably will for several years to come. Whether this settlement in the world of networking comes tomorrow or twenty years from now, one thing is certain, peer-to-peer is alive and well, and has made a mark on the use of the Internet that will not be forgotten.