History of Nazi Germany.

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National Socialism between 1920 and 1945 can best be described as an era of constant change. Hitler's enrollment in the German Worker's Party provided him the foundation needed to propel his idealistic views of anti-Semitism and Aryan superiority. Soon after Hitler's enrollment the party's name was changed to the National Socialist German Worker's Party and in the summer of 1921 his talents as an orator and propagandist enabled him to take over the leadership of the Nazi Party. …

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…life for fear of being persecuted themselves and suffer the same fate of the Jews. There's a lot of truth to this but, the Jews would suggest otherwise. How an individual like Hitler could shock the world by starting another world war two decades after the first is a prime example of history repeating itself. Thus, by reflecting on the change National Socialism undertook from 1920 to 1945 enables nations to prevent another Hitler in the future.