History of Music and Its Impact on Society

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Rock music has affected society in the twentieth century in a large way. Rock music started in the 1950s with various small bands such as Bill Haley and Elvis Presley. These pioneers of modern music drew a larger crowd at each show, and soon, rock music would be in the ears of almost every American. Rock and roll contributes many things back to people when they listen to it. It gives people things like a …

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…a major way of music as a whole. "The scope and significance of rock remains without precedent in the history of popular music. Beginning as a minority expression on the fringe of American society, it developed into a distinct counterculture during the 1960's and a decade later had become a dominant cultural force, affecting and reflecting the mores and moods of American youth and weaving itself into the fabric of society."(Pg. 187; Mystery Train 3D)