History in Vietnam

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Essay Database > History
Vietnam In 1955, with the help of massive amounts of American military, political, and economic aid, the Government of the Republic of Vietnam (GVN or South Vietnam) was born. The following year, Ngo Dinh Diem, a faithfully anti-Communist figure from the South, won a doubtful election that made him president of the GVN. While in the United States of America , President Dwight D. Eisenhower supported the creation of a counter-revolutionary alternative south of the seventeenth parallel. …

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…thing to do. But to find an American written paper about the brilliance and skill of armies is easy to find in any re-enactment of Vietnam. The way that movies and books and articles seem to be written give the impression that the Americans went to Vietnam and were saviours, glorious warriors, yet the world knows different. Nobody will ever know what the real outcome of everything that ever happened was, unless they were there.