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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Pilgrimage to tirthas, India's sacred zones, is one of the oldest strands of the Hindu tradition, and one of the most prominent forms of popular piety practiced in India today. Tirthas are "crossing places" which act as portals linking heaven and earth. There are many different types of tirthas. There are tirthas whose sanctity is imbued in the landscape, such as the Himalayan mountains and the Ganga river. There are other tirthas famous as pilgrimage …

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…this website are part of a project re-creating a pan-Indian tirtha-yatra. I am making a clockwise circumambulation of the significant tirthas found throughout India. The goal of this project is to photograph pilgrims in the landscape of the tirtha and to document significant religious festivals that take place in these locations. In traveling the width and breadth of the country a visual record of both the sanctity and the complexity of India will be achieved.