Here is a full list of Propaganda Techniques with their name, definition, and example.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Propaganda Techniques NAME Testimonial (Transfer) DEFINITION: Having a well known or highly regarded person urge people to buy a product or vote for a particular candidate. EX: Michael Jordan - Nike Connie Morella says "I endorse Riley for MD House of Delegates" NAME Name-calling DEFINITION: Giving someone a label people fear or dislike. EX: "My opponent is an alcoholic" Bob Dole ads which portray Clinton as a "liberal" and a "liar" NAME Plain folks appeal …

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…new stadium." NAME Appeal to tradition DEFINITION: Making reference to time honored values or ideals. EX: "Baseball, apple pie, and Chevrolet." "I'm from Virginia, the land of Thomas Jefferson and many of our other forefathers. NAME Bandwagon DEFINITION: Urging everyone to follow the crowd or "get on the bandwagon" EX: "Vote for Joe because everyone else is" Ross Perot ad with diverse group of individuals who all say, "I'm voting for Perot, you should too."