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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
The more popular version of Juno is the goddess Hera, who was the later goddess, and more of a detailed story today. (Cathedral 5) Once the titan-war had finally ended, the universe was divided amongst all the gods. Hera became queen of the gods, she was goddess of women and marriage and a place where the 12 Olympian gods were forced to worship. Hera was far more beautiful then all humans, she was made a wife to …

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…as it affects human life". Afraid that he would be over thrown by his son he swallowed each of his children, but Rhea saved the youngest Zeus. Rhea, Hera's mother was the goddess of the female body. After Kronos had swallowed the first five babies she ran away to the mountains, and gave birth to Zeus. She lived with Zeus until he was old enough to become power hungry and dethrone his father. (Homeric Hymn 970)