Henry Ford, A profiteer or good man? The title of this biography is henry Ford's Life.

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Henry Ford was born July 30, 1863 in Wayne County, Michigan. Henry was raised on a farm in Dearborn and helped his father with the harvest. Henry was not interested with school and disliked the farm life. He wanted to learn about internal combustion engines. At age 16, he landed a job as an apprentice in a machine shop. Their he would learn about engines and how they operate. After several years of working as an apprentice, Henry …

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…control of the business. However, he already had two strokes by the time and two years later, he handed over the presidency to his grandson, Henry Ford II. Henry Ford died quietly on bed at his Fair Lane estate in Dearborn, Michigan. He was 83 years old. Henry ford not only produced an affordable car, he helped create a middle class, raised wages, created the first eight hour day and incorporated the first moving assembly line