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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hatchet By: Gary Paulsen The setting in the book, Hatchet, is the Canadian wilderness, near an L shaped lake. The story takes place in the late 1980's, and it is written in the third person limited. The omniscient narrator is the person speaking throughout the story. The mood varies from being peaceful and relaxing at times to being exciting and intense at other times . The protagonist of Hatchet is Brian Robenson. He is a 13 year …

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…emergency transmitter. Later, when Brian arrives back at his home, his parents almost get back together. Brian comes close to telling his father about his mother's affair, but in the end he never says a word. Eventually things go back to normal, and Brian's mother resumes seeing the man with whom she had the affair. The theme of Hatchet is that even in the most difficult circumstances one learns lessons which can richly enhance life.