Hardships and effects of being a single mom and going to college.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Cause and Effect Being a single mom and going to college at the same time, can be very draining for any woman. Taking care of a child financially by ones self can be a difficult job all on its own, but when you add full time college to this picture, there are many effects that can make this a negative, but brave, choice. Going to school, puts a lot of stress on this poor mother. …

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…to and from college, which is like 2.15 a gallon around this time, and she will have a huge tab for eating on the go. So next time a single mother tells you she is going to college you might have a better understanding of what she is going through, and assure her that, maybe it is a lot of work, but she will pull through and it will all be worth it in the end.