Hampshire Castle- a short story about medieval times in england

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Hampshire Castle Between tall, snowy mountains and a slow river stands the remains of a castle. These are the remains of Hampshire castle. Now just a crumbling viewpoint for camera lenses, the castle was once a glorious sight over the surrounding countryside. <Tab/>In medieval times, the castle walls stood strong and proud. There were no signs of neglect or decay. The stables were fully stocked with magnificent chargers, ready for …

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…Ran, one of the greatest medieval kings. Hector never returned to Hampshire castle, except in death when he was buried next to his father. <Tab/>Today, Hampshire castle is a popular tourist attraction. The battles fought here are long forgotten, except perhaps, by a few direct descendants of the people who once fought the battles themselves and in the river, mountains and castle themselves, which will carry on the memory forever.