Hammarubi's Code analyses the code!

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Essay Database > History > World History
Laws can tell us many important things about a society such as values, beliefs, and norms. The first leader to write down and codify a set of laws was Hammurabi. Hammurabi created The Code of Hammurabi. This tells us many things about the life of people in Mesopotamia. Hammurabi's code shows us that life in Mesopotamia was very difficult and unjust for the majority of the population (anyone that was not very wealthy). This is …

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…are always changing over time to represent the current values, morals, and beliefs of societies. Life in Mesopotamia was very difficult and unjust under The Code of Hammurabi; but they demonstrated the beliefs and values of Mesopotamia. Through the categories of class structure, professional standards, and the nature of punishments it is easier to look at the society and have a view of the difficult life and injustices people must have experienced during that time.