Haber Process.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
During the World War I, Germany was dependent on sodium nitrate deposits in Chile for the nitrogen-containing compounds needed to make explosives. Seeking to free Germany from dependence on Chile, a German chemist named Fritz Haber examined the direct combination reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen, a reaction that forms ammonia. If we decrease the concentration of ammonia in the system, this decreased concentration of ammonia is a stress externally applied to the above system. According …

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…of N2 , H2 , and NH4 depends on ht initial concentration of each component. Harber and his team determined the equilibrium constant for this reaction by starting with various mixtures of the three components and allowing them to reach equilibrium at a specific temperature and pressure. They them sifted the equilibrium to produce the maximum amount of ammonia. Bibliography: Internet resources (http://members.aol.com/profchm/le_chat.html) (http://haberchemistry.tripod.com/) Prentice Hall Chemistry