Gun Control.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Gun Control Persuasive Essay Due to extensive media coverage and mass public attention to the recent high school threats and shootings, there is now a huge public awareness to the growing number of fatalities by and effects of handguns. I believe that many tragic accidents and violent crimes can be prevented if handguns are outlawed. Nan Desuka, author of Why Handguns Must Be Outlawed wrote, "Guns don't kill people-criminals kill people." Many people blame criminals …

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…Although handguns would be outlawed from the public, law enforcement officers would still be permitted to carry handguns to protect the public. Although a decision on gun-control may never be reached, there are still several precautions that can be taken to assure safety in a household where guns are present:(1) Don't leave a gun loaded.(2) Keep it locked away.(3) Don't own a gun, and maybe senseless crime will decrease and innocent lives can be saved.