Growing up as an abused child and trying to overcome the devastating effects of abuse.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Growing up in the 70's was like being plunged into a wild, raging sea without a life jacket.All the kids my age were experimenting, trying to find themselves,and enjoying the peace movement.Me, I was trying to do the same thing, but in a totally different way. I didn't experiment with drugs, I wasn't Miss Popular, my parents weren't "loaded", and I definitely needed and wanted to find inner peace,my …

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…I am safe in the comfort of my own home, I deal with it rationally. As for my suicide attempt and my words to God, He jeard my cry. I do have someone to love me, My 3 children.Their love is unconditional and never ending, jsut as mine is for them. Not all victims of abuse physically die. The recovery of the emotional death is far more painful than the blows of brutal of love.