Great paper on Gladiators.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
"When a man sees his end he wants to know if there has been some purpose to his like"- Roman Gladiator How would you like it if you were a slave or a criminal and you were just offered a chance to be free? You would probably like it pretty good, but you shouldn't! If you were a slave you would be bought by someone and they would train you as a gladiator, and …

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…I didn't know to much about this topic, before I started, I have been getting surprised with what I've found out about it. They only thing I knew about gladiators before I started was that they kill people in battles. This is a very interesting topic, I personally would never be a gladiator, because of the loins and all of the people. Ask yourself if you'd be one, answer it after you read my report.