Great Gatsby's Failure

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Art and Culture
The book "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald was an icon of its time. The book discusses topics that were important, controversial and interesting back in 1920's America. The novel is an exploration of the American Dream as it exists in a corrupt period of history. The Great Gatsby describes the decay of the American Dream and the want for money and materialism. The 1920's were a time of corruption and the degradation of …

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…fall of the American Dream. The Great Gatsby shows us the way people will fall into the hands of money, greed and power and get involved in illegal activities to get where we want and what we want. The Great Gatsby definitely shows how moral and social values are decayed through cynicism, greed, and the empty pursuit of pleasure. This book is a perfect example of the fall of the American Dream in the 1920s.