"Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens: how Pip is the portrayal of what 19th century society considered a gentleman, whereas Joe was whom Dickens believed to be the true gentleman.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
What is a Gentleman? What is a gentleman? It is a question that has been discussed exhaustively throughout time by men and women alike. Charles Dickens attempts to answer this question in the novel Great Expectations. In this book, he portrays two characters, Pip and Joe, as two different views of a gentleman. Pip represents 19th century society's view of a gentleman, while Joe is Dickens' depiction of what he thinks a gentleman is. The …

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…those both above and below him financially speaking. Through Dickens's sharp contrast of characters with Pip and Joe, he masterfully showed the 19th century public what true gentleman is. Dickens's representation of a gentleman, I believe still holds true today and could serve as a basic rule for all men to follow. Act in kindness towards others and respect all those you meet, regardless of their wealth, status, education, or career--that is a true gentleman.