Government's missile defense.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
The Cold War brought about many changes in how Americans look at nuclear warfare. The most visible part of the cold war was the arms race. Mutually assured destruction was the philosophy that both nations had the power to destroy each other completely in the event of an attack. The invention and perfection of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) was the beginning of this philosophy. With this technology nations would be able to strike a …

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…shot down 90 percent of incoming missiles. That would mean 50 missiles would get through, and the United States as we know it would be totally destroyed. In conclusion there will always be debate on a national missile defense program. Should the United States deploy this system or shouldn't they? Both sides are extremely set on there ideas on this program. National Missile Defense will likely remain a prominent and sharply polarized political issue in coming years.