Gossip..how in the end the tables turn around... this is for example essays.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Time of the hour While everyone at work was caught up helping customers, Missy clocked in and began running her mouth about how much she disliked Beauty. Soon after Missy clocked in , questions that were being asked about placed orders changed to updates on the latest gossip. I was prepping containers of sliced tomato's just waiting for someone to put Missy in check. I thought to myself how much trouble she was getting herself into …

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…Big Leagues", to being another statistic in gang related violence in prison. One mistake can be enough to have your life be taken away. Decisions are made every day. Having a closed mouth never brings trouble to any individual. Gossiping can some times result in unwanted consequences, it may occur to someone involved in the conversation. In the end, no one likes to be talked about because it could end your life, like my brothers.