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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Globalization We live in a time of worldwide change. What happens in one part of the world impacts people on the other side of the world. People around the world are influenced by common developments. The term Globalization is used to describe this phenomenon. According to Harris, the term is being used in a variety of contexts. In a very broad context, media use it almost daily to refer to a wide variety of political, …

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…optical fiber, digital switches, and the latest wireless transmission systems Bejing and Budapast are stepping into the Information Age. Video Conferenceing, electronic data interchange, and gigital mobil phone services are already reaching most of Asia and Eastern Europe. Summary The world will continue to be more globalized. The trend will continue three main facters: new and inproved trade agreements , rapid growth rates of developing countries, economies and technological advances. All of these facters foster globalization.