Glaucon's Definition of Justice from Plato's Republic. Also, courage is examined in a similar context.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
A Definition of Justice In this paragraph Glaucon, who has taken up the argument from Thrasymachus, makes his definition of justice. He states that justice is a compromise of sorts between advantage and fear. People understand that being unjust is often to their advantage; however, they also fear being the victim of injustice. If they could act unjustly without suffering the consequences they would. This partially explains Thrasymachus? earlier definition of justice as the advantage …

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…the city. Soldiers so chosen will absorb and retain the information far better than if no selection process were involved. Socrates then goes on to say that soldiers well chosen would be unwavering in their beliefs, immune to the temptations of fear or pleasure. Immunity to such outside forces would make the soldiers courageous and thus the city would be courageous. Therefore courage is the ability to hold steadfast to a belief even through adversity.