Givhan, Robin. "Citizen Models." The Washington Post 11 October 2005, C01. Fashion Editorial Review.

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In "Citizen Models," Robin Givhan portrays John Galliano's spring runway show as an extreme makeover to runway expectations. He set his show against a backdrop that called to mind the confluence of a carnival sideshow and a burlesque theater. Each model was chosen for her/his unusual physical attributes, from the Thumbelina-size woman to the beanpole, tiny, old men. Galliano played off the extremes of humanity in a celebration of diversity. "It was fashion taking …

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…the world of the idea that a girl must be 5' 10" or taller and no more than 115 lbs. or she could never even dream of becoming a runway model. Also, Galliano presents a fabulous line that brings about references to tangos with washed-out charcoal jackets and trousers with his "Galliano Gazette" newspaper prints. He could be considered the most eminent of all designers, the most sought-after and admired, if only he wasn't so darn rebellious.