Getting free Software, Music and Movies using DSL or cable and AOL.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
These are instructions for getting Warez on the internet. This is the extremely Newbie Guide to getting free software, games, movies and music online for free. This is meant to be read for those who have broadband, because it doesn't make practical sense to download warez using a dial up connection. Warez is broadly defined by the lamer community as the cracked software illegally distributed online, which encompasses the music and bootleg movies that also …

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…ownership of that screenname. 8.) Once verified, the list will automatically sent to your aol account using the screenname you provided and this is the command you use to request the stuff you want from the list example: !smoochies send sn 1-100. I won't explain the first three parameters of that command but the 1-100 parameter represents the archive you want . I won't explain why this is significant, because if you read this thoroughly it's implied.