Germany: The country with wonderful cities.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
A feeling of accomplishment can rightfully be taken alone from personal experience and remembrances. I can remember back when I was first travelling, I had no idea where I was heading, but during my time there, I have gotten a pretty good idea of Germany's sight and position of the old world. When I left Germany three cities in particular stayed in my memories and probably will forever: the city of Hamburg, Munich, and Berlin. …

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…The country of Germany, the city of Hamburg, Munich, and Berlin, these are the memories I still have of my trips in Germany. Hamburg makes me believe in beautiful ancient castles; Munich showed me how to stay alive with entertainment; Berlin reminded me of the devastation caused by wars. I have being enlightened by this coutry's history and nourished by the desire to perceive other countries with an open mind to their history and customs.