George Washington's Biography-2 pages including paragraphs on -introduction -early life -land surveying -french and indian war -revolutionary war -later years

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Essay Database > History > North American History
George Washington Biography George Washington (1732 - 1799), the First President of the United States, is a prominent individual of the American history. He was commander in chief of the victorious Continental army of the American Revolution and won many important battles that helped the Americans defeat the British. During his presidential terms, he set many important precedents for the following Presidents, such as having Presidential Cabinet Members. He was nicknamed for his accomplishments as the "Father …

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…Mount Vernon to watch the building of a new city. The city would be the capital of the United States, named after him, as Washington D.C. Washington died at Mount Vernon of a throat infection in December 14, 1799, after he made his last tour of his property on horseback in the winter weather. It has been said that George Washington was, "First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen."