"George Orwell" by Gordon Bowker - How the author positions the reader

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
Introduction Biographies and autobiographies are shaped on what the author's beliefs and values are. This makes the biographies and autobiographies selected representations because the author only uses particular information to portray the person in a certain way. Since the person is written from the author's point of view, the reader will then be positioned to view that person in the same way the author views them. The reader can challenge the author because the representation …

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…this biography because Bowker praises Orwell for his achievements and condemns his shortcomings. This gives the reader an all round view of Orwell. Conclusion Biographies are selected representations because the authors discourse shapes the text. Bowker carefully chose the information about Orwell to show he was a great man but he had his downfalls. He has written a unique biography of Orwell which gives the reader an insight into the life of a literary genius.