General Study on Greek Mythology

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
The Greek stories of the relationships between the gods, goddesses, and human beings are like a fascinating soap opera. What with secret affairs between Zeus and numerous mortals, the bitter jealousy of Juno and her attempts to thwart Zeus's pursuits, the mischievous games of Aphrodite and Cupid, the heroic journeys of numerous mortals to destroy multiple headed evil monsters, and stories of silly, impudent mortals who dare to challenge the gods, the Greek Myths are …

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…variations and versions Many of the stories like the Iliad and the Odyssey are famous and known throughout the world. The Greek myths tell us a lot about the Ancient Greeks, their beliefs, their interests, and their values. The stories teach many important lessons and stress the importance of facing the consequences of ones actions. These stories will probably be told and retold throughout the world as long as there are people to tell them.