Gasoline Prices An Outrage of Increase.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Astronomy
Gas price increases have become completely out of line with what people are willing to pay or, what people can afford to pay. It has become a burden to human individuals. There is a world-wide dilemma as to who is getting rich on the increased rates for gas, while the poor working person struggles to heat his/her home on the meager salaries provided. Somewhere lies an answer for this global predicament we have gotten …

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…powered cars, electric trains, or solar powered -heating, incursions are being made. "Oil prices have recently soared to around $60 a barrel, a level that, even when adjusted for inflation, has not been seen in over 15 years." (Reed 1) Unfortunately it is not the best that can be done; it is not enough for the world to do. More people should become involved in curing the problem permanently instead of making do with a quick temporary "fix".