Garbage and the effect of it.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
RICKIE-LEE KEIKO SUGIYAMA MR ADEY SOCIALS 11 APRIL 4TH 2003 GARBAGE RICKIE-LEE KEIKO SUGIYAMA SOCIALS 11 MR ADEY APRIL 4TH 2003 TERM PAPER ON GARBAGE Most people toss their garbage into dumpsters and down their garbage chutes of to the streets, into parks, drains and the dirt. People haul their used furniture, bikes, old toys, and battered car parts to their city dump without a clue of where it goes and what happens to it. People need to pay …

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…for decades to come to damage humans, animals and the natural ecosystems of earth. Although there are ways to dispose of garbage such as landfills, incinerators, recycling and composting. The world still has garbage problems that people are aware but are too lazy and litter anyway. Hopefully wedgers, undertakers, and foul shooters will learn to pick up their trash. Charts on the waste production rates.   The percentage of how much waste go to each management