Gandhi and his use of Styagraha (non-violent protest).

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Resistance comes in many forms and has been proven throughout time. Non-violent resistance in the world is the best way to reach peaceful resolution. The modern leader of non-violent resistance is Mohandes Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhi a revolutionary leader defined how to go about non-violent resistance in his actions and many of his writings. He uses these applications against British imperialistic rule in South Africa and British colonization in India. Gandhi's studies of non-violent conflicts come …

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…Corporation, 1965. King III, Martin Luther "TIME 100: Mohandes Gandhi Father of India's independence and advocate of nonviolent resistance, he pioneered a tactic used by the U.S. civil rights movement and proponents of freedom everywhere." , Time International, 08-23-1999, pp 54+. <> Mendelsohn, Oliver, and Vicziany, Marika. "The Untouchables: Subordination, Poverty and the State in Modern India" A book review by Danny Yee. 1999 <>