Gambling in America.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Gambling is an issue all across America in this day and age. People of all origins rush into casinos or to their local bookie just to blow their money on the chance they might get lucky and hit the jackpot. Gambling is an addiction suffered by the same amount of people throughout America as all illegal drugs combined; however, many people aren't even aware that it is going on. The truth is it is happening …

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…the points. 5)NCAA surveys show that high percentages of student athletes gamble. a)Many admitted to taking money for playing bad in a game. b)There are more men gamblers then there lady counterparts. 6)The internet opens up many new gateways to allow student athletes to gamble on there games without being caught. a)Over 20 peercent of all athletes gamble more then twice a week. b)Collegiate athletes us there credit cards to place bets.