Functions of Management

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Transportation
All the company and business has their own goal. In order for the business to reach their goal, they have to have a good management to run the company. What's Management? In fact management has four functions in it. If we can run those four functions as well as we can, then we can be easier to reach our business' goal. Those four functions are Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. <Tab/>…

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…management is one of the important sections. In the management there are four mainly functions: Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling. Those four functions compose a management. If we are successfully on working those four functions in our management, we will have a perfect management in our company. Each big company will have an excellent management. So if we can run our management carefully, and attentively, our company is reached the first step of successful already.