Freedom of Information Act, drugs and steriod. FDA bad labeling of companies.

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The Freedom of Information Act was signed into law under the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson. I was in high school and remember seeing the historic signing of this on the steps of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. (I was later to become a journalism student there.) This Act allows individuals or companies to challenge the government regarding documents it holds and considers classified. Many important news stories were …

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…if I had been damaged by the product, etc. and did I want to use their services! On this particular product, the drug companies were not all too thrilled about this product, for obvious reasons. They filed and not too long after, the company was busted for not mentioning that the product contained a steroid and selling it over the counter. So there are many ramifications of this legislation...both to companies and to individuals.