Four pages on Islam. (dubble spaced)and put into paragraph format (font 12)

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Essay Database > History > Middle East History
In the year 570 A.D. Mohammed was born. He is the founder of Islam. He was born in Mecca, at the time the central city of the Arabian Peninsula. During the ten years between his arrival in Medina and his death in ad 632, Muhammad laid the basis for the ideal Islamic state. A group of committed Muslims was established, and a community life was ordered according to the requirements of the new religion. They were …

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…message, the Qur'an, to be the last revealed Book and himself to be the last of the prophets, consummating and superseding the earlier ones. Muhammad's strategy in the developing conflict with Mecca was to attack Meccan trade caravans returning from Syria and thus economically weakens the city. In A.D. 630, the Meccans, unable to conquer Medina and crippled by the severing of their trade routes, finally submitted peacefully to Muhammad, who treated the city generously.