Four functions of management

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Four Functions of Management Management is defined as the process of setting and achieving goals through the execution of four basic management functions that use human, financial, material, and informational resources. (Straub, 1994) The four functions are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. I will elaborate on these functions independently, but in reality they are inseparable and interdependent. A manager can't say, "I'm going to plan in the morning, direct before lunch, organize between 1 and 2 p.m., …

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…then utilizes the ePace tool to analyze the employees level at which they met the standards and helps the employee take necessary actions to correct and undesired deviations. Management Functions at All Levels Regardless of title, position, or management level, all managers do the same job. They execute the four management functions and work through and with other to set and achieve the organization's goals. References Straub, J. (1994) Managing business organizations. Introduction to Business, 163 - 167