"Four Seasons" by Vivaldi.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Artists
Antonio Vivaldi's, "The Four Seasons", is one of the most popular pieces of music ever composed. It is regularly used for commercials and television Shows as well as background music in movies. "The Four Seasons" portrays spring, winter, autumn and summer with a brilliant composition of music, capturing the atmosphere of each season. Each season has a sonnet written by Vivaldi himself to accompany it. His sonnets influenced the brilliant musical compositions. Vivaldi's, "The Four …

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…piece or the sonnets, Vivaldi made a great contribution to the music world. "The Four Seasons" is still one of the best selling musical pieces today. Since Vivaldi's time in the middle Ages, it has been the most recorded musical piece ever. Vivaldi's success came because of his musical logic and his inventive creativity. He demonstrates this in "The Four Seasons", which has been, and will always be the most well known musical symphony ever.