For and Against have a Proxy Server in UAE. what are the reasons for both?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
I believe that having a proxy has a good side and a bad side. Its important to have a proxy server to ban sites that has inappropriate issues. The UAE government has advocated Internet censorship via a proxy service maintained by Etisalat. The proxy refuses access to URLs requested if they are on a list of banned sites or if a content check of the site by the proxy server turns up objectionable material. In …

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…about the bad side of having a proxy server is that the Emirates Internet proxy in the UAE caches web pages that are requested through it, and this can become a problem for webmasters who have content that is continuously being updated. The problem is when you have a page which is updated each week, but the emirates proxy displays a month old version of the web page which doesn't show you the updated page.