Flaws in nature

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
In Lord of the Flies I believe that William Golding is trying to prove that the flaws in human society are due to the flaws in human nature. Human society and human nature are both overflowing with Cruelty murder and corruption. Though some when they read the book Lord of the flies they see that even children are evil. There is much representation in this story. There is much symbolism in this book. The characters …

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…values, and finally You can only cover up inner savagery so long before it breaks out, given the right situation. He has seen innocent people die, betrayal and what its like to live without parents and rules. He has also seen that people aren't what they appear to be. Ralph has learned that depending on what kind of a person you are determines the society in which you live and what flaws that society has.