Flaming Feminist: Margaret Sanger's Battle for Birth Control.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Flaming Feminist: Margaret Sanger's Battle for Birth Control. Margaret Sanger devoted her life to educating women and making birth control available to all women throughout the world. The increased quality and longevity of many women and children's lives can be attributed to the dedication and hard work of Margaret Sanger. Sanger did more than inform people of their choices concerning their lives and those of their family, she demonstrated the many ways to successfully contribute …

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…Sanger passed away in her home in Arizona. Margaret Sanger nearly single-handedly brought about the legalization of birth control in the United States. She demonstrated the many ways in which one can fight for a cause, regardless of the challenges that the government and society may present. Through her extensive research, publications and establishments, Margaret Sanger demonstrated the amazing benefits of birth control on the emotional, physical and economic well-being of women and their families.