Five Walt Whitman poems. Metaphors, diction, syntax, form, rhyme scheme, and other literary techniques.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Walt Whitman's poetry is relatively formless and his random patterns have a significant effect on the meaning evoked from the poems. Whitman has a constant theme of the link between nature/natural experience and humans. He expresses his emotions and opinions through his poems. Some of his poems are very personable, which makes them very easier to understand and more enjoyable to read. "Crossing Brooklyn Ferry" is a poem about the sharing of experiences. All …

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…can implant his thoughts into his reader's heads. Whitman's form of writing enables him to connect with his readers. He has an interactive style of poetry, which makes it easier for readers to understand him and relate to him. With his radical ideas for his time and his awkward methods of writing he opened the doors and allowed future writers to express themselves in ways that they saw fit. He brought about a poetic revolution.