Fire Retardant Fabrics

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Physics
Purpose: To find which fabric is most flammable. (Which fabric will catch fire fastest) Materials: Lighter safety goggles Stop Watch 5cm x 5cm piece of Denim 5cm x 5cm piece of Nylon 5cm x 5cm piece of Polyester 5cm x 5cm piece of Cotton 5cm x 5cm piece of Rayon 5cm x 5cm piece of Acrylic Procedure: 1) Place a piece fabric under flame. Make sure that each time you do this, the flame is placed …

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…or Chardonnet silk is a vegetable fiber (cellulose). Rayon is produced mechanically from wood pulp. The fabric is fairly light, and delicate. Rayon is used in many types of clothes. Acrylic: Acrylic is a man made fabric. The process for making Acrylic is extremely complicated, and is made using a formula (e.g. H2O). Acrylic is very heavy, and is much like wool. The sample of Acrylic that we used came from a sweater.