"Finding the relative atomic mass of lithium."

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
Determination of the relative atomic mass of lithium Introduction: For this investigation I will determine the Relative atomic mass (Ar) by using two different methods. In the first method I will dissolve a piece of lithium of a known mass in water, I will then collect the hydrogen gas produced, which can be used to calculate the relative atomic mass of Lithium. In the second method I will titrate the resulting solution of lithium hydroxide …

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…reliable. Another way I could have improved the experiment was if I were to use a bigger piece of lithium for the first method, as a whole it would reduce the percentage error. Also by repeating the experiment several more times I could have obtained a better average result. As a result, my results are reliable as they are consistent with each other and I have managed to refrain myself from making any large errors.